Lekhika Ranchi

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The Real Ghost Stories


He said that he almost immediately blacked out and woke up in the morning only to find the room empty and the chair gone. The next was again while he was trying to sleep

Now I have heard that demons often take the shape or form of something they are not to try and spook people so that might've been exactly what he saw

He laid there as he saw his younger sister, Erica, crying while being held by his mom (my aunt)

The only thing strange thing about this is that Erica was a lot younger when he saw this

She was around one year in the apparition but this took place when Erica was much older and could speak clearly and was already attending school

This one spooked him a lot more than the old woman in his room

Anyone know why this happened? Erica is a sleepwalker and when I've slept over I've seen her little sleepwalking episodes and it always cracks me up

She usually comes into Edgar's room while him and I play video games all night and complains about wierd things like peaches and slippers and how she's thirsty and stupid stuff like that

So one of her episodes wasn't as stupid and took place when they first moved into the house. She dreamt that something urged her to go into the downstairs living room by the fire place

In the dream her name was being called into the room by an unknown voice as she asked what it wanted as she was very tired

She didn't get a response

This sounds a lot like astral projection but while projecting people usually leave their bodies in bed, not walk with them while dreaming

As soon as she got to the living room she woke up and felt like she was being watched

She went back upstairs to find everyone asleep so no one could have been actually been calling her into the living room. The last thing I know of that happened to them upon arriving in their new home occured in my aunt and uncles bedroom

My uncle owns a lot of books on medical studies and well basicaly things a doctor would be intereseted in

One of the first things he moved into the house was a book case with all his books. So one night he was on call at the hospital and was working late while my aunt spent the night alone in the room

She woke up to books falling off of the book case on their own and she said one actually flew across the room

This all happened while she heard what sounded like a priest praying loudly in their bathroom. As soon as they were fully acclimated in the house and contstruction was done

Eveything stopped

No noises

No books flying across rooms

No strange dreams

No apparitions


Just a big, spacious, spooky looking house at night

Nothing occured until a few years later... Now, getting back to why I mentioned moving to Mexico and being at the most religious state I was ever in in my life

I spent the night at their house and it was just like any other night

We would have dinner, I'd play video games with Edgar, we would watch movies with the whole family and just thing of that sort

Although I was a lot closer to Erica, I spent more time with Edgar since we were into similar things and being boys and all we got along well. So on that night we were drawing "cool things" like skulls and zombies and such

We ran out of paper and went into the play room where all the toys we stored to try and find some more and we ended up just hanging out there

The play room is on the 2nd floor and has a door that leads to an outside balcony and a small spiral stair case that takes you up onto the roof


Anjali korde

10-Aug-2023 10:43 AM

Nice part
